A special THANKS to all of you for all the work that you do in the name of Kiwanis! We each observe the holiday season in our special way with family and friends. But the Kiwanis family is busy with ringing bells for the Salvation Army, Hope for the Holidays, Christmas Angels, Festival of trees, Caroling and the list goes on! It is truly heart-warming as I travel across the state to see all the special projects that each of our clubs in Montana do. We are the inspirations in our communities and to our children. I hope you think about all the opportunities that your club provides in your communities, schools and to the children. Just think how much more you could do with a few more members in your club and also reflect, that if Kiwanis were not in your community, would Kiwanis be missed?? I know in our town, there would be a huge hole in the community. Kiwanians are “DOERS!” The quote included, “WHO JOINS KIWANIS” is really true. I hope you truly appreciate the season, the reason and your Kiwanis Club.
Merry Christmas Kiwanians!!
Esther Fischer, MT District of Kiwanis Governor 2023-24
Governor Esther and First-Man Ron, visiting the Havre Kiwanis club for their 100th Anniversary.
Proverbs 21:2-3
"People may think their ways are right, but the Lord weighs the heart."
"To do what is right and just, is more acceptable to the Lord than sacrifice."
Proverbs 19:21
"Many are the plans in a human heart, but it is the Lord's purpose that prevails."
Sometimes at my age of 65, I like to think I have it all figured out. That is, until I get into scripture and the Lord reminds me, who exactly is in charge. Be teachable, at any age!
Julie Berg, MT District Chair
Kiwanis club members believe in service. They care about children. They are interested in the community around them because the community matters to them.
They are people like you. Friends. Neighbors. Volunteers who want to make a difference. And they love to see the difference they make when they work together.
Belgrade 1 – Sponsor-Carl Schuneman
Glasgow 2 - Sponsor-Charles Wilson
Lewistown 1 - Sponsor-Cherie Neudick
Sidney 1 - Sponsor-Jordon Dasinger
Butte Sunrise 1 - Sponsor-Kristel Callahan
Miles City 1 - Sponsor-James Altenhofen
Missoula Sentinel 1 - Sponsor not named
Club Secretaries---please be sure to add the sponsor name when you submit the new member. I like to acknowledge their efforts in our BEEF UP MEMBERSHIP!! Thank you!!
Two months of the Kiwanis New Year is in the books! We are slowly "beefing" up membership in our Montana District. I have visited 10 clubs so far this year and one of the observations is very clear. Clubs that run a well organized meeting, no matter their size are doing pretty well. By that, I mean: their meeting place is established, time is consistent, the meeting is organized and informative. It's a warm atmosphere and a place you would like to show off to a perspective new member. It's a fact, that the most important project your club can have is an organized membership drive! Treat it like a service or fund raising project. If you don't, then your community and our kids are the losers. You need members to care about the mission. I know December is a busy month, but let's make a New Year's Resolution that each of us sponsor one new member in our organization in an organized club membership project!! Ron Fischer MT District Membership Chair
December 31st, 2023 — Beef Up Membership Winner for the 1st Quarter Announced!
January 1st, 2024 - HAPPY NEW YEAR!!
February - Club Treasurers - Be sure your 990 Tax Form is FILED!!
February 23-25, 2024 - Mid-Winter Conference - Belgrade, MT - View Info
August 2-4, 2024 - DCON - Missoula, MT - View Info