Lion or Lamb | February Newsletter

Lion or Lamb | February Newsletter

Published: February 1, 2024
Author: Esther Fischer
Category Tags: NEWS

Did you get off the sidelines and get registered for MidWinter 2024?? I certainly hope so, as we have put a lot of thought and effort into making this a positive conference that will help you and your clubs. I realize it’s different, but sometimes change is good and I look forward to seeing all of you!!

Have you been lulled into sleepy time with this crazy weather?? Now is the time to get off the couch and into “THE GAME!” Montana Kiwanis needs MORE MEMBERS!! Get out there and ASK, a simple word, that means so much. If we don’t ASK, we don’t gain. If we don’t gain, our kids and communities lose!

ASK yourself, “If Kiwanis was gone tomorrow, would it be missed in my community?” Sit down and take an inventory of your clubs projects in your community and schools. I know in our town, it would leave a HUGE GAP.

As February comes in like a lamb, are you a lamb? Are you meek, mild and a follower or are you a LION, ready to be heard and ROAR about Kiwanis. I hope you choose LION and are prepared to actively recruit new members into your club.

So many questions and only you have the answers! We all need to be INSPIRED and to be the INSPIRATION in Kiwanis.


Esther Fischer  - Montana Kiwanis Governor 

Kiwanis Proud Member