June News from the Governor

June News from the Governor

Published: June 1, 2023
Author: Cherie Neudick
Category Tags: NEWS

Here we go again! Happy to be of service again, but sad for the reason that I am. I’m sure we are all missing Scott and his smiles. Here is a quote that I recently came across and it fits Scott perfectly.
“Remember that when you leave this earth, you can take with you nothing that you have received – only what you have given: a full heart, enriched by honest service, love, sacrifice and courage.” - Francis of Assisi
Scott definitely served with a full heart, honesty, love, sacrifice and courage.

One of the best ways that we can honor Scott is to plan to attend DCON in Helena, August 11-13. This convention is joint with Western Canada and I promise you it will be informative, exciting and fun.

Just a few of the highlights:

  • Past international president Sue Petrisin will be presenting a workshop on the “why” of Kiwanis - Why do you do what you do? Why are you a member of Kiwanis? Why do we need Kiwanis? What's your why? We can easily identify the who, what, when, and where. Join us and let's talk about why.
  • Andrew Dawson will team up with the Joy Smith Foundation from Canada and conduct a panel on human trafficking and what to watch for and how we can help.
  • George Tavin, Governor Elect from Western Canada will present a program called “Connections"
  • Our SLP administrations, along with leaders from Canada will be holding strategy roundtables.
  • Vicki Hermanson, KI area 4 director will be leading a Media Workshop

That’s just the beginning – then the fun parts:
Boat ride anybody? Take the trip through the “Gates of the Mountains”

Don’t like water? Go pub crawling or golfing.

End goal is to learn and have fun!
I am going to try to do a little traveling this summer to visit some clubs or participate in projects. I was privileged to attend the club boost in Billings at Zoo Montana on May 6th. It was a fun experience and always so good to be with our Kiwanians that have the same goal in mind of making the world a better place for our children.
As always, my phone is always on. Do not hesitate to call or email me your questions, concerns, and/or ideas!
Cherie Neudick, Governor Montana District of Kiwanis
cherienkiwanis@gmail.com, (406) 366-2632