As we gather this Thanksgiving, I hope you take a moment to reflect on the year and give thanks for the many blessings we have received. Our Kiwanis Family is built on the principles of service, friendship and compassion. As I travel around the state, I see the impact on the lives of many in your respective communities and that is truly something to be grateful for.
I want to extend my gratitude to each and every one of our Montana Kiwanis members for your unwavering dedication to your community and the children. As we enjoy the company of our loved ones and the bounty of the season, let’s also remember those who are less fortunate and commit ourselves to continuing our mission of service!
HAPPY THANKSGIVING to all of you and here’s a toast to working together to make a difference!
Esther Fischer
Montana District Kiwanis Governor
Phil 4:6 "Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God."
This text from Scripture has been used much as a text for thanksgiving. I have used it myself. Perhaps even used it without giving much thought to its depth?
It begins with a decisive statement. "Do not be anxious about anything." Have you read a paper, watched the news or been on social media?? How can we be living in these
times and not be anxious?? Well, the answer is, present these things to God. When we do it, do it with thanksgiving for how He is gonna answer.
THEN....."And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." Phil 4:7 NIV
It is possible to live in these times and not be anxious as long as we trust our God and Creator.
Julie Berg - MT District Spiritual & Human Chair
At the 2024 District Convention, each club was asked to take a "stake" in our future as the MONTANA DISTRICT of KIWANIS! We need to get our membership back to
over 1000 members. Each club took a wooden construction stake and placed their membership goal for the next year. If each club achieved their goal, we would make it!
Some clubs in the first two months of the Kiwanis new year have met or exceeded their goal. A BIG shout out to the Billings Golden K, Lewistown, and Harlowton. Together
these clubs have brought in 20 new members. We can ALL DO IT!! It just takes that commitment. A few of our clubs are adjusting their meeting times to make themselves
more available. Survey your club and ask, "What can we do to attract more members and better serve our kids and our community?" We all have a "STAKE"
in our future. Imagine how much more fun your projects would be with extra hands and new ideas. We will all benefit!
Ron Fischer - MT District Membership Chair
Send us your club events and we'll put on the MT District calendar!!
Email your event name, dates, beginning and ending time, details, and any links.
They will be added to the district calendar.