Fall In Montana | October Newsletter

Fall In Montana | October Newsletter

Published: October 3, 2024
Author: MT District of Kiwanis
Category Tags: NEWS

As autumn leaves begin to fall, our 2023-24 Kiwanis year is coming to a close.

I have been reflecting on the year gone by. While the season is changing, other things have grown with new friendships, admiration of service projects in our clubs and our amazing SLP organizations. Together we have made a stand for our communities, our children and so much more. We need to cherish the moments and the memories. Our Kiwanis light will always shine, in our hearts, in our lives, and in our SPIRIT! There has been some truly meaningful work that our members have accomplished.

So here’s to all we’ve shared this year, the laughter, the love and the tears. It is with hope and joy that we look ahead to new beginnings and new projects for our 2024-25 Kiwanis year.

Our members and their clubs are amazing!! Never underestimate the difference you have made and the lives you have touched. Be the INSPIRATION!

I look forward to serving you once again as Governor of the GREAT MONTANA KIWANIS DISTRICT!! Let’s make it the BEST EVER!!

Esther Fischer - MT Kiwanis District Governor


It's Fall now and the end of a Kiwanis Year, at least for the Harlo Kiwanis. We are looking forward in the 2024-25 to celebrating 100 years as a club. Like many clubs, there is a lot of gray in the hair of our club members. Does that stop us from activity? Nope! Anytime there is a call for volunteers for an event, our members step up. How about your club? Hopefully, that holds true for you too.

But, we all know we are aging and sometimes we wonder if we make a difference a this stage n like. I have news for you…..you can make a difference!

Scripture tells us this: Psalms 92:14 They will still bear fruit in old age, they will stay fresh and green, proclaiming, "The Lord is upright; he is my Rock, and there is no wickedness in him."

Stay with it, we have a purpose for sure at this stage in life. Speak to the next generation as often as you can……pass on some of your wisdom to them. Those gray hairs simply say you have earned the opportunity through life lessons to share them.

Julie Berg - MT District Spiritual & Human Chair


Our 2023-24 Kiwanis year is coming to a close and our "BEEF UP MEMBERSHIP" campaign closes with a Big Hand to the Bitterroot-Hamilton Kiwanis for leading the way. They have added 15 new members to their club this year!!!

We started the year with 925 Montana Members and as of Sept. 2, we are at 912 members.

WAIT...we are going the wrong way!!

Let's take a look to the future. At DCON in Missoula we asked each club represented to "stake" their membership goal in hopes of growing our District. Each was asked to set a goal and record it on a wooden stake. The members in attendance, when we totaled their stake was 101 new members!!!

We have 13 clubs that we still need to set their goal! I'll be contacting you to get your stake in our District's future.

We need to surpass 1000 members to keep our District viable. We need each of you to take a "STAKE" in our future. Ask—Invite a friend, co-worker, neighbor, or relative - that's my formula. President's please be sure to have a membership chair appointed and complete the Membership Recruitment plan!! The plan was sent by KI to the President of the Club. Please, Please, PLEASE!! If you want to be a distinguished club, this is one of the requirements that KI has set. It must be sent in to KI by October 30, 2024!!! Get'r DONE! I am here to help in any way I can. I look forward to meeting more of you in our Kiwanis 2024-25 year.

Ron Fischer - MT District Membership Chair

Montana District of Kiwanis Stakeholders:
Club - New member 2024-25 Goal
Bitterroot-Hamilton 13
Bozeman 12
Dillon 10
Polson 10
Missoula 6
Harlowton 6
Butte 5
Havre 5
Lewistown 5
Kalispell 5
Miles City 5
Sidney 5
Billings Golden K 5
Missoula–Sentinel 5
Glasgow 4