Half of our Kiwanis year is gone!! Have you met your goals?
We should be planting the seeds of volunteerism in our schools and communities as the weather turns nice and projects gear up. Get those Circle K’ers, Key Clubbers, Builder’s Club and K-Kids involved with you! Kiwanians are the April Showers and our May flowers are our Youth! It is a blast to have them help with projects. The energy, the fun and sometimes a little different perspective, gives us the boost we all need.
I attended the District Key Club Convention in Billings, March 24-26th. What a great bunch of young people, who truly serve their communities and schools. It was off to Helena on March 28th, for the charter night of the newly formed Circle K at Helena College. Congratulations to President Isabella and her club. Thank you to LTG Brad Schmidt for helping organize a celebration party.
If Mother Nature ever decides what season we are in, I’ll be hitting the road for club visitations. Already in the schedule is the 100 year celebration of the Miles City Kiwanis Spelling Bee and Track day in May. June has the new RISE & LEAD camp, be sure to send a future leader to this. July has ICON in Denver and August is the MT District Convention in Missoula. Do you have a special project happening? I’d love to know about it and if the schedule permits, I’d love to see it in person!! Drop an email: fischerredangus@itstriangle.com
SAVE the dates of August 2-4 for MT DCON. The theme is “WE BUILD.” We’ll be giving you some “Foundation” tips, “Blueprints”, and “Building” schematics for you clubs and of course, FUN!!
Have you purchased your tickets for a ¼ of beef? Remember the Governor’s Project is for Heart of MT-Farm in the Dell. Tickets can be purchased from any District Officer for $25 or 5 for $100. The Beef is ranch raised right here at Fischer Red Angus. Drawing will be at DCON in Missoula. Let’s give the Heart of MT-Farm in the Dell, a real boost with some funding.
Esther Fischer - MT Kiwanis District Governor
WOW...one half of the Kiwanis Year is in the books. First, we are way behind in adding new members. We set a goal of adding 10% to our membership numbers,
which would give us a total of 1000 members in MT. It’s not happening!! That's the BAD news, but here is the GOOD news!
Beef UP Membership in Montana promotion winner for the 2nd quarter is...BITTERROOT VALLEY-Hamilton. They added 8 more members this quarter, plus the
4 in the first quarter, so that's a whopping 12 new KIWANIANS! Congrats to President Troy Hanson, who has achieved his Ruby K
and his wife, Kerry, just joined the ranks.
Here is a shout out to the clubs who added new members in the 2nd quarter:
Lewistown - Jeannie Walter, Jeff Keller, & Luke Brandon
Missoula - Grace Friend
Helena - Clyde Kendall, Ann Kendall & Martha Haddock
Miles City - Kristi Moore
Hamilton - Michele Craig, Darrell Reese, Chad Baker, John Carlson, Jaime Biesiot, Anthony Biesiot, Rick Bucheit, & Peggy Bucheit
So May is MEMBERSHIP MONTH, I hope you take it seriously. Without new members, we cannot serve our communities and children in need! It's just as important to
retain your members. Let them know that they appreciated and recognize them for their contributions or years of service. A THANK YOU goes a long way!
I'm looking forward to hitting the road with the Governor as we begin our travels around the state.
Invite a new prospect today, for tomorrow may be to late!
Ron Fischer - MT District Membership Chair
Why do we get involved with Kiwanis and it's projects???
Is it toot our own horn?
Is it to do something for others whether we get credit for it or not?
Phil 2:3 says "Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value
others above yourselves, not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of
the others."
It's worth reminding ourselves what scripture says:
Mathew 23:12 "For those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble
themselves will be exalted."
Julie Berg, MT District Chair
Come and Explore the Possibilities with us at the Kiwanis International Convention in Denver. The dates are July 3rd – 6th, you can celebrate the Anniversary of the Objects of
Kiwanis and the Birthday of America!!
Regular registration is only $399 until May 31st. There are some add-ons such as the Signature Project Breakfast for $40, Kiwanis SLP Showcase of Service Luncheon for $35, Kiwanis Children’s Fund Breakfast for $50 and the Gala – Kiwanis Dancing Through the Decades (ticket includes dinner) for $80.
Be sure that you choose the Hilton Garden Inn, when you are registering (look for the tent), Montana is staying at this hotel. It is conveniently located across the street and down about a block from the Colorado Convention Center. Currently, the Kiwanis rate is $179 + tax.
Friday night we will have a FUN get together from 6 pm – 8 pm and the cost is only $40 per person. This is a prepaid event, stay tuned for details.
Not only should you attend for the FUN, but you can be a voice for your club. There are important elections and choices to be made for the future of Kiwanis and YOU can have a say. Talk to you club secretary about being a delegate for your club.
Please call/text Kristel at 406-490-2452 or send an email to districtsecretary@mtkiwanis.org. YOU DON'T WANT TO MISS OUT, get registered today.