The Kiwanis organization is a global community of volunteers dedicated to improving the lives of children and communities. Founded on the principles of service, leadership, and fellowship, Kiwanis members collaborate to address the unique needs of children worldwide. With a focus on fostering positive youth development, Kiwanis clubs engage in a variety of service projects, including educational initiatives, healthcare support, and community development programs. The organization places a strong emphasis on empowering young people to become future leaders, emphasizing the transformative impact of collective action and community service. Through a network of local clubs, Kiwanis provides a platform for individuals to come together, share their talents, and make a meaningful difference in the lives of children and families.
Montana Clubs
MT Kiwanians
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As we gather this Thanksgiving, I hope you take a moment to reflect on the year and give thanks for the many blessings we have received. Our Kiwanis Family is built on the principles of service, friendship and compassion. HAPPY THANKSGIVING to all of you and here’s a toast to working together to make a difference!
Read MoreCheck for $3429 was delivered to Heart of Montana, Farm in the Dell as the 2024 Montana District of Kiwanis Governor's project.
Read MoreCheck out the song created for Montana Kiwanis which matched the theme of the 2024 DCON in Missoula, WE BUILD.
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